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October 15, 2006



I'm digging Dexter, never thought about giving The Nine a chance and am loving Heroes. In fact I think Dexter and Heroes are the only two new shows still on my radar.


i think it's too early to give up on dexter. i'm gonna pick up the book on which the show is based.

i keep forgetting to add heroes to my dvr schedule.


The BVG site is slick. Very nice. I'm not watching the new shows. I probably would if I had Tivo.


I just can't get into that new Justin album but Robin Thicke works for me right now too!

Todd Kelley

i had to eat crow on the new Brand New Heavies. I described it as garbage when i first heard it.

Yep, i have my idiotic moments...

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Tivo 10

  • 1. The Wire
    2. Battlestar Galactica
    > 3. Lost
    4. Grey's Anatomy
    5. The Office
    6. The Unit
    7. Criminal Minds
    7. Veronica Mars
    8. Law & Order: Criminal Intent
    9. Heroes
    10. The Nine

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