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March 15, 2005


j. brotherlove

Excellent points, Jason, and not too far from what I was saying with Reality Blogging (ironic, huh?). As personal web publishing continues to grow, our spheres constrict and pretty much anything we write is cataloged and Googled.

I find this somewhat discouraging because there are things I would like to share but don't because of the probable, negative repercussions. Just confirms that I don't need to be too famous. I don't have the temperament.


Damn. I'm really missing a party this year.

If it's any consolation, I LIVE here, and allergies are kicking my ass this week, as well.

When are you going home? I was hoping to catch up with George for breakfast or lunch this weekend when the kids are with their papa. e-mail me. I'm free starting Friday evening. There's a Memorial protest on Saturday, but other than that, I have no plans.


loving the SXSW commentary.



At the risk of being seen as some muso anorak I need to point out that Gary Jules made Mad World a hit the second time but the lyric was written by Roland Orzabal in the guise of his band Tears for Fears(T4F). The track reached number 3 in the UK charts when it was first released by T4F in the mid 80's

Having bored you to tears with that tivia- I am really enjoying your SXSW posts. For the first time the event is getting mainstream media coverage here in the UK and I am SO there next year!


now you haven't mentioned (that i've seen) if you watched the movie "Scratch" before. if not, definitely good companion viewing i'm sure. looking forward to checking "all the way live".


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