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November 29, 2004



I think this piece is truly beautiful.


That, my man, is absolutely awesome.


that was a great post...thank you.




Okay - please don't be offended at me not commenting on the nature of your post or the other stuff - for lack of a better word - within it...because I just wanted to mention how much it rocks that you can make reference to The Dark Tower series. It really annoys me when people dismiss King as some horror author. They are my favorite books by King. In fact, I sometimes wonder if I'm not holding out for some Roland-type man to swagger into my life.

I can honestly say that one of the most time-stopping moments in my reading career happened while reading the Dark Tower series. (i'm really sound like a geek now, but i don't mind) Roland walked into a saloon...and you have these images of the gunslingers and the big wooden bar and the gas lamps on the walls..and the man at the piano. But he was playing Hey Jude. How crazy is that? Okay. Anyhow. Thanks for posting...it makes my day a little brighter.


It's Liz here, the middle-aged white lady from California. Dear heart, that was a lovely and touching tribute to your father. I've bookmarked it and next time I hear some adoption ignoramous talk about how hurtful adoption is to the child I'l send them to read you.

Peace and joy to you.


This is a rewarding path you've taken; may you pursue it mo' further.


Thank you Jason. This reminds me just how special my adoptive father was in my life. When I was home recently, my stepmother gave me a box of his old recipes that she was going throw out. He inspired so many great things in my life like music and cooking. I pursued finding my birth mother years ago but stopped because it offended my stepmother. Now, 20 years laters, I may pursue this task again since there are more resources available now for finding birth parents.

Now that you know your father's name, will you attempt to find him or is just knowing his name enough to satisfy your curiousity?


I agree with everyone else. That was beautiful.


This is a truly amazing experience. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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