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August 16, 2004



Good to know. Hey do you drive a purple car, because I think I've seen you around town judging by a vanity plate that has the site's name.


Glad you think so my dear, glad you think so.

Mahogany Elle

Just had to send a shout. This site is fab! Just starting blogging about a month ago, so always on the lookout for fun reads

all best :)


I just stumbled onto your site, and it rocks. Thanks for being here!


Hi there!

Came across your site by accident, the title grabbed me. You're brilliant!

I've added you to my blogroll, glad I found this place!


are you ok? did you quit?
did the site address change??
i thinkin' about putting your face on a milk carton.
miss your updates.

garth donovan

what's up man
stumbled onto your site
i really appreciate your perspectives...
i also like your mixed musical tastes - i share much of the same all over the board-ness...question for ya do you know where to find the cartoon that madvillian loop at the end of strange days?
peace man.

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