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July 01, 2004



So like half the albums on my Amazon wishlist are there now "because Jason said so." I even put Cee-Lo on the list after grooving to the track you served up. You weild much power and influence young one. Use the force wisely.


i got Air and Cee-lo because of you. Getting Madvillian because of you and Trent. I'm going broke but in a good way. Zero 7's coming down this way, and now I'm on a mission...


Damn another one! The last one gave me a headache. Thanks for the dls. I'll let EJ and KB do this one. I don't think I've heard 10 new cds this year (well that have been released). And I'm positive I haven't liked 10.


dang - this list is butterific. but i have like only two albums that appear here. i have to get up on the goodness of music, but currently, unfortunately, due to the nature of what i do for a living, i'm trapped in the commercial mainstream listening station w/very little time for these rare specialties. i love rewind 3 and toots and the maytals discs, but i'm not sure they'd make my list just yet. i really have to get my hands on that zero 7 joint, i'm sure they'd make my list.

i want you to give amp fiddler a listen before you make this list final.


i definitely gotta cosign with you on the madvillian. even though i much prefer viktor vaughn out of doom's recent catalogue, some madvillian tracks definitely get some spins from me.

j. brotherlove

Now were cooking with grease! Although (like Lynne) I only have a few CDs off this list. Must do one of my own for compare and contrast purposes.

It may take me a minute - my music is all over the place. Did you ever finish ripping everything into a digital format? I can't finish that project to save my life.


Don't think I didn't notice you decided to musicblog a little, you sneaky fellow!

I'll be trying to send some traffic over. Great choices!

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